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Designing Your Dream Pool

The way in which you choose to design your pool can either make your backyard look beautiful, inviting, and modern, or it can make it look cramped, disorganized, and out of fashion. The idea of owning a pool is so exciting, but beware — that doesn’t mean it isn’t a complicated process. From idea to the conception itself, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn about the essential characteristics you should think about in order to have the pool of your dreams. 

Pool Shape Basics

The most important thing you should think of when designing the pool of your dreams is, evidently, its shape. You might have a specific pool shape in mind when it comes to your dream pool, but there are many things you should consider when choosing it. Some of the things you should consider are your landscaping, the size of your backyard, what you plan to use the pool for, the depth of the pool, and the amount you’re willing to spend on it. It’s crucial to think of these things because a pool can add value to your home only if you choose one that suits the exterior of your home. Moreover, if you plan on using your pool for exercise, it would be unwise to get a pool shape that wouldn’t allow you to do laps, right? So be sure to choose a shape to best suit what you’re intending to use it for.

Consider what your maintenance needs might be

Just like choosing the wrong pool size/shape for the exterior of your home can be detrimental, so can choosing a pool that requires too much maintenance if you’re not willing to put in the work. After all, no one looks at muggy waters and thinks, “wow, that’s such a beautiful pool!” So if you’re a very busy person and you want to get a pool that requires the least possible maintenance, a saltwater pool might be right for you. These are usually a bit more expensive, but you’ll be purchasing less pool chemicals and spending less time taking care of it in the long run. If you’re willing to put in the work, a chlorinated pool is a fine choice. 

Appropriate Equipment Placement

Although a pool will take the majority of the space in your backyard, you have to think about where you will place your pool equipment as well. Pool equipment can surprisingly take up a lot of space, so you have to make sure to plan for it. When thinking about where you’d like to place your pool equipment, you should also be aware of a couple of things: not only will pool equipment be a little unsightly to look at, but it can also be pretty loud. So you want to make sure that the equipment is placed in an area that is hidden away and that will muffle the sound. Moving pool equipment is also a complicated process, so be sure you know exactly how you want to design your backyard before placing it. 

The Perfect Pool Location

If moving pool equipment is difficult, moving a pool is completely impossible. That’s why you should always know exactly where you’d want to put your pool before making the big purchase. Your pool’s location could completely change the look of your backyard. No matter what, a pool is large enough to be the focal point of your backyard, but if you want to use your backyard for other things, such as an outdoor kitchen or lounge space, you need to position your pool in such a way that will make everything fit (without looking too cramped). 

Of course, after having made all of these decisions, the most important thing for you to do is to properly maintain your pool. That means using your equipment and your pool chemicals to keep your water safe and clean, which can be a little complicated if you’re a beginner. Luckily, pool experts are there to help you. Whether you want help maintaining your pool on a weekly basis or need training so that you yourself become a pool expert, your pool expert will lighten your burden so that you can enjoy the summer free of any stress!

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